Let's make one thing clear before we begin, when I say "make money doing Parkour," what I am technically referring to is getting handed money in exchange for utilizing your parkour skills for different kinds of jobs. These articles are very much based in the field of entertainment. Here I will generally cover using parkour for live performances, stunts, advertisements, and social media monetization. This advice also applies to other similar disciplines, such as tricking.
As far as I know, aside from coaching or owning a Parkour facility, there is not currently a way for Parkour athletes to make a full living from Parkour alone (through sponsors or competitions). Here's to hoping that will change one day, without the Gymnastics Federation sticking their ugly leg in (but that's a story for another article). Until then, largely thanks to the advent of social media, there are other ways for people like us to monetize and grow our unique skills. I'm not an expert nor a financial advisor, but I will tell you how I am doing it and provide you with some of the tools that were essential to me.
I would also like to preface this by acknowledging the fact that I am speaking from a place of privilege. I have had the ability to make the most out of opportunities that have been presented to me, but there are many that do not have access to those opportunities nor the resources to even reach them. Whether they are athletes trapped by poverty in foreign countries (like the talented Dominicans I met during my time in Exatlón, who I can guarantee can beat like 90% of you in literally any sport), or even Americans that simply cannot afford a laptop, I want you all to be cognizant of the fact that you are lucky to have the ability to read this right now.
I don't say this to send you on a guilt trip. If you have access to resources and opportunities, you should absolutely make the most of it to achieve your dreams. It's your duty to make the most of it. Just do it all from a place of gratitude and perhaps one day, when you've made your dreams come true, you can play a part in spreading those resources to those who are less fortunate, as well as do whatever small things you can for others in the meantime as you work towards it.
This journey is not for everybody.
Like I just said, there are people who have the talent, but don't have the resources.
There are people who have the resources, but don't have the talent.
There are people who have talent and the resources, but are not willing to put the work in. And trust me, it is a lot of work.
If you have the talent, the resources, and are willing to put in the work- buckle up. Let's begin!
Location Disclaimer: this information pertains to the entertainment industry in the United States. Industry standards and practices vary from country to country and much of this information may not apply elsewhere.